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How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

How Are Lab Grown Diamonds Made?

Have you ever encountered a lab grown diamond?  Lab grown diamonds are exploding in popularity with diamond jewelry buyers, allowing shoppers to buy alternatives to the usually more expensive mined diamond. A lab created diamond is just as good as its natural counterparts, representing a marvel o...
How Are Lab Diamonds Graded and Certified?

How Are Lab Diamonds Graded and Certified?

The introduction of lab grown diamonds into the world of diamond jewelry has changed the market, providing new options to buyers. However, some buyers may be skeptical, wondering if a laboratory grown diamond can truly compare to their mined diamond counterparts.  We're here to assure you that la...
What Are the Benefits of a Lab Grown Diamond?

What Are the Benefits of a Lab Grown Diamond?

Investing in a diamond engagement ring or other kinds of diamond jewelry can be a huge expense, making it the kind of purchase you want to be sure about.  Unfortunately for buyers, buying diamond jewelry can be a confusing and expensive undertaking. There are many things to consider as a diamond ...
The History of the Marquise-Cut Diamond

The History of the Marquise-Cut Diamond

The marquise-cut diamond is a distinctive shape diamond that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. Its unique shape makes it easy to identify and creates a unique look for anyone wearing it. But how did this diamond arrive on the scene, and how did it get its noticeable shape? The History of t...
Elongated Cushion Cut Diamonds − Pros, Cons, Tips & Tricks

Elongated Cushion Cut Diamonds − Pros, Cons, Tips & Tricks

Cushion cut diamonds have become popular among shoppers because they offer two features many love: a square shape with soft corners. Cushion cut diamonds have a square shape with rounded corners and can be worn in many different ring styles and settings. Jewelers have taken the cushion cut diamon...
The Comparison: Black Diamond vs Black Spinel

The Comparison: Black Diamond vs Black Spinel

Black gemstones make fine jewelry. A piece of jewelry laden with a black stone looks elegantly splendid. Black stones have mysterious yet mesmerizing effects. That is why many opt to have these alluring dark gems. In this article, we will discuss two specific black gemstones: black diamond and bl...
The 6 Most Popular Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

The 6 Most Popular Diamond Shapes for Engagement Rings

Shopping for an engagement ring is an exciting time! It can also be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. There are many diamond shapes to shop for, and each brings something unique to the table.  Today, we’re going to focus on the top six engagement ring diamond shapes to shop ...
Types of Women's Necklace Chains

Types of Women's Necklace Chains

Necklaces are iconic pieces of women’s jewelry that can be styled in many ways. When wearing a necklace, you can choose from different chains, pendants, and metals. Many of these necklace chains can be layered with one another to create a unique and complimentary look.  Today, we’re going to disc...
Earrings Education & Buying Tips

Earrings Education & Buying Tips

A pair of stunning earrings complete a woman’s look regardless of what she is wearing. From casual to formal wear, accessorizing with earrings leaves a flawless appeal boosting a woman’s confidence in herself. When looking for a gift for women, you’ll never go wrong with a pair of earrings. But, ...
Butterfly Jewelry

What’s the Meaning of Butterfly Jewelry?

The majestic beauty of butterflies makes them one of the most loved insects worldwide. Various cultures view butterflies differently. As butterflies grow from ugly caterpillars to beautiful winged insects, change is the most common symbolism associated with them. A butterfly’s metamorphosis marks...
Diamond Carat

Diamond Carat

Diamond carat is one of the 4 c’s of diamonds, and it is often misconstrued as a measure of size instead of a measure of weight. A diamond carat is not how big the diamond is but how much it weighs. Buying a large carat weight diamond doesn’t mean purchasing the biggest diamond possible. It simpl...
The Different Types of Cushion Cuts

The Different Types of Cushion Cuts

Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance known to man. Given their beautiful and brilliant features, diamonds prove to be highly coveted gems when it comes to jewelry pieces. Diamonds can be cut into various ways, and one timeless cut is known as the cushion cut. Old Mine Cut Cushion ...