Evil eye pendant jewelry has been growing in popularity. Tons of people enjoy this symbol for its beauty, and some even wear it for evil eye protection.
But what is the meaning of evil eye jewelry anyway? And should you be wearing it? Let's explore the meaning behind this jewelry.
What is the Evil Eye?
Throughout history, you will find beliefs from numerous cultures that circle around the evil eye. These beliefs basically claim that someone can put a curse on another simply by staring at them with evil forces. The evil eye is often directed towards an unsuspecting party and in many cases, believed to be the cause of the misfortune, injury, or bad luck experienced by the recipient.
It is believed that if you wear evil eye amulets or evil eye talismans then you are safe from bad energy and the evil eye curse. As such, evil eye jewelry such as evil eye bracelets, rings, necklaces that have the ancient evil eye symbol will help protect the unknowing recipient from evil eye stares and evil energy.
The history of the evil eye is not well recorded but it's believed to have originated from the middle east in Mesopotamia where the ancient symbol has been recorded as far back as 5,000 years ago. This symbol and belief are found in almost every culture including Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian societies.
Decorations and charms that have an eye-like symbol referred to as "nazars" have appeared throughout history, and even in the Old Testament. These evil eye amulets are common in Greece, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, Morocco, Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Italy.
Why Wear Evil Eye Jewelry?
The meaning of evil eye jewelry is that they are designed to protect the wearer from evil and ward off the evil that has been directed at them. Wearing any piece of jewelry with the evil eye symbol on it provides the wearer with both power and protection against evil spirits or bad luck.
The evil eye charm is therefore a positive force. In many cultures, it's also believed that an evil eye charm is a form of teaching and wisdom which teaches the wearer not to be envious of others' success.
This is because it is believed that when someone looks at another person with an envious eye, that look fills the surrounding area or atmosphere with evil or negative energy. That energy is then transmitted into the recipient of the evil eye causing them misfortune.
However, if the intended recipient has an evil eye amulet or jewelry, the glass beads in that jewelry reflect that negative energy back onto the sender instead. By wearing an evil eye ring, evil eye necklace, or other jewelry, you can resist bad energy and receive good fortune.
The Different Types of Evil Eyes
Whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist, or have no religious affiliations whatsoever, the belief in the evil that pervades this world is alive and well in almost every human being. In cultures where this kind of thing is taken very seriously, it's believed that there are three types of evil eyes.
Unconscious evil eyes: These types of evil eyes cause harm to people and things without necessarily intending to do so.
Conscious evil eyes: These intend to cause harm and bad luck.
Unseen evil eyes: These happen to be the most dangerous as they represent hidden evil.
The Different Evil Eye Color Meanings
Evil eye jewelry design comes in different colors, but this isn't about style. Those who strongly believe in the meaning of evil eye jewelry, know the colors have spiritual purpose and beliefs associated with them. Here are the meanings behind different evil eye colors:
Blue: Perhaps the most common color when it comes to evil eye amulets. A blue eye is the color of good luck or good karma. This color projects positive energies such as creativity, motivation, commitment as well as protection against evil eye.
Light Blue: This is the color of the sky and it symbolizes the broadening of horizons as well as truth.
Gold or Yellow: This is the color of the sun and it symbolizes strength, energy, and power to overcome any health issues as well as helping the wearer to concentrate or focus.
Red: This is the color of fire and it symbolizes increased energy, courage, and strength. A red evil eye gives the wearer the courage and strength to face whatever life might throw at them.
Orange: This color symbolizes increased creativity and happiness and it helps the wearer to connect with their playful side.
Pink: This is a calm color that encourages contentment, relaxation and protects friendships.
Green: The "Earth" color encourages the pursuit of new ideas, balance, and gratitude.
White: Considered pure, white is associated with goodness, light, purity and encourages the wearer to pursue new life experiences and adventures.
Purple: This is the color of divinity that not only guides the wearer but also encourages them to examine their own life by removing obstacles while creating balance.
It's perfectly okay to own several pieces of evil eye jewelry of different colors that resonate with who you are and what you want in your life. Ultimately, the idea is to protect you from evil and bring you good luck instead.